1% News Debuts
15 Jun 2015
Mixed Returns: 1% Mourns, Celebrates Tax Day
15 Apr 2015
Censored Trump Supporters Finally Get Their Say
24 Aug 2015
What’s the One Percent News? The One Percent News is the first news source exclusively of, by and for the America’s top One Percent. We like to say we’re the best news money can buy.
One Percent News reporter and Democracy Extremist expert Will Rice exposes the dangerous plot of StampStampede.org, which is defacing U.S. currency in an effort to undermine plutocracy. Of course it will only succeed in annoying the One Percent into taking the other half of the world’s wealth too, but it’s always worth a laugh to […]
Cenk Uygur, of The Young Turks and Wolf PAC, explains to an incredulous Will Rice, 1% News Democracy Extremist Expert, why we need a Constitutional convention to get big money out of politics. Learn more about this bold and misguided effort, as well as the latest on 1%N’s competing offering, “The Young Trustfunders”, and the […]
April 15th is a melancholy time for the 1%. On the one hand, they can rejoice that they often pay a lower tax rate than nurses, plumbers and utility line workers. But on the other hand, they still pay something. One Percent News anchor Margaret Theismann interviews wealth therapist Will Rice about how the One […]
Even though budgets by definition have nothing to do with people, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) gamely tries to explain the radical tax-and-spending plan of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. WARNING: Contains populist ideas 1%’ers may find offensive.
Molly Kristen Kelly reports from Waterloo, Iowa, where GOP presidential hopefuls have gathered to gain the support of a small group of rich guys. Watch the debut of seasoned journalist (and former Miss Arizona) Molly Kristin Gretchen Kelly as she shares all the excitement from the Presidential Money Primary. Molly brings a fresh and very […]
For all its hopes and its boasts, America will never be truly free until a handful of wealthy oligarchs have the freedom to control our government with their money.
President Obama’s budget would inflict financial hardship one the wealthiest 1 percent in America. 99% of the revenue to pay for Obama’s “Middle Class Economics” would come from raising taxes on the top 1%. And, 80% of that revenue would come from the people we most admire: the top .1%. Washington DC think tank One […]
1% News Viewers wanted to see more of our interview with ADAs dangerous Executive Director, Don Kusler, and because we are funded by our viewers, we decided to oblige. In the proud tradition of Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe, and Inspector Jacques Clouseau, the One Percent News Network—“The Best News Money Can Buy”—exposes the […]
1% News Viewers wanted to see more of our interview with Don Kusler, and because we are funded by our viewers, we decided to oblige. In the proud tradition of Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe, and Inspector Jacques Clouseau, the One Percent News Network—“The Best News Money Can Buy”—exposes the dark underbelly of progressive […]