1% News Debuts
15 Jun 2015
CPAC Attack: Base Resists Cash-Anointed Jeb Bush
28 Feb 2015
William the K St. Lobbyist vs. Iowa
15 Oct 2014
About 45 minutes before the first Republican debate began at the Quicken Arena in Cleveland, OH, a wall of police officers in riot gear prevented about two dozen protesters from walking down a street that led away from the arena and toward the area where MSNBC was broadcasting. The protesters had just finished a rally […]
What’s the One Percent News? The One Percent News is the first news source exclusively of, by and for the America’s top One Percent. We like to say we’re the best news money can buy.
April 15th is a melancholy time for the 1%. On the one hand, they can rejoice that they often pay a lower tax rate than nurses, plumbers and utility line workers. But on the other hand, they still pay something. One Percent News anchor Margaret Theismann interviews wealth therapist Will Rice about how the One […]
1% News Viewers wanted to see more of our interview with ADAs dangerous Executive Director, Don Kusler, and because we are funded by our viewers, we decided to oblige. In the proud tradition of Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe, and Inspector Jacques Clouseau, the One Percent News Network—“The Best News Money Can Buy”—exposes the […]
1% News Viewers wanted to see more of our interview with Don Kusler, and because we are funded by our viewers, we decided to oblige. In the proud tradition of Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe, and Inspector Jacques Clouseau, the One Percent News Network—“The Best News Money Can Buy”—exposes the dark underbelly of progressive […]
In the proud tradition of Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe, and Inspector Jacques Clouseau, One Percent News—“The Best News Money Can Buy”—exposes the dark underbelly of progressive activism in this hard-hitting, light-thinking report.