1% News Debuts
15 Jun 2015
The Dreaded Early Debate
25 Sep 2015
1% News vs. Don Kusler: Liberal Conspirator-in-Chief
23 Jan 2015
The first ever budget proposal from the Congressional One Percent Caucus was released today at an exclusive event held in a basement crypt below the U.S. Capitol. One Percent Solutions spokeswoman Reagan Peabody-Peabody explains the elegant simplicity of a budget with no numbers and only four words (one of which is “no”). Daniel Weeks of […]
April 15th is a melancholy time for the 1%. On the one hand, they can rejoice that they often pay a lower tax rate than nurses, plumbers and utility line workers. But on the other hand, they still pay something. One Percent News anchor Margaret Theismann interviews wealth therapist Will Rice about how the One […]
Even though budgets by definition have nothing to do with people, U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) gamely tries to explain the radical tax-and-spending plan of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. WARNING: Contains populist ideas 1%’ers may find offensive.
The One Percent News audience has asked for more embarrassing truths about Americans for Democratic Action. Mary von Euler has been shamelessly advocating for the non-wealthy since 1947.
Only 1% News Network—the first network exclusively by and for the nation’s top 1%–covers the State of the Union address from the everyday perspective of the average billionaire. 1%NN reveals that President Obama’s tax and spending plans serve only the narrow interests of a wide swathe of the nation’s population, leaving the 1% to wonder, […]