1% News Debuts
15 Jun 2015
The Dreaded Early Debate
25 Sep 2015
1% News vs. Don Kusler: Liberal Conspirator-in-Chief
23 Jan 2015
Morals collided at a Washington, DC, hotel when in one wing a religious coalition tested GOP presidential hopefuls on their fidelity to the Bible; while in the other, reasonableness extremists trumpeted the Pope’s inconvenient stand against climate change. Almost lost in all the morality was the only important question: who has the most money?
April 15th is a melancholy time for the 1%. On the one hand, they can rejoice that they often pay a lower tax rate than nurses, plumbers and utility line workers. But on the other hand, they still pay something. One Percent News anchor Margaret Theismann interviews wealth therapist Will Rice about how the One […]
“Net neutrality”–giving everyone equal access to the Internet–is the kind of privilege-free approach to society the One Percent can’t support or even understand.
The One Percent News audience has asked for more embarrassing truths about Americans for Democratic Action. Mary von Euler has been shamelessly advocating for the non-wealthy since 1947.
1% News Viewers wanted to see more of our interview with ADAs dangerous Executive Director, Don Kusler, and because we are funded by our viewers, we decided to oblige. In the proud tradition of Matt Drudge, Andrew Breitbart, James O’Keefe, and Inspector Jacques Clouseau, the One Percent News Network—“The Best News Money Can Buy”—exposes the […]
“Our Walmart” protesters hoped to give voice to their demands for improved working conditions, but found themselves “caught on camera” by a clever correspondent for the conservative 1% News Network.
The conservative response to North Carolina’s NAACP has sparked a counter-protest against Moral Monday! Finally an effective response from the downtrodden conservative majority of North Carolina, which has endured hundreds of thousands of outsiders coming to North Carolina to pose as residents and complain about our glorious, 100% conservative state. These morons and losers have […]